Salento’s most impressive caves: three itineraries for your boat trips

Beyond the marvelous coastal landscapes of Salento, among the crystal clear waters of the Adriatic and Ionian seas, lie hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered: fascinating caves that hold millennia-old secrets. In fact, there are numerous opportunities for boat excursions, either organized with specialized tours or by renting the boat directly. In this article, we recommend three itineraries to visit the most beautiful ones taking advantage of the strategic location of Tenuta Rocci Cerasoli, your charming retreat surrounded by nature.

1. Poetry and the “zinzuli” of the Adriatic.

The first itinerary will take you to discover the “East Coast” of Salento, that is, the Adriatic Coast, where starting from Roca we find a cave that is now famous all over the world: the Cave of Poetry. A wonderful natural pool with crystal clear water, it is located within an important archaeological site and for this reason the entrance is limited and with a ticket of 3€. Continuing towards Otranto, you will find the Grotta Sfondata, with a huge hole in the ceiling formed by the erosion of the rock, which you can admire both from land and from the sea; the Grotta dei Cervi in Porto Badisco, which represents the most impressive Neolithic pictorial complex in Europe and for this reason can be visited only by insiders; and the Grotta Sulfurea in Santa Cesarea, in which a thermal spring of water gushes out, perhaps with a somewhat strong smell, but certainly regenerating. Descending further, the Castro area will leave you speechless: Grotta Azzurra, Grotta Romanelli, Grotta Palombara but above all the not-to-be-missed Grotta Zinzulusa, whose name derives from the dialect term zinzuli, which means “rags” and identifies the numerous stalactites and stalagmites that look precisely like rags from a worn-out dress. The boat tour to discover the caves of the Adriatic ends in Andrano, at Grotta Verde, an enormous cavity illuminated by a thousand colors ranging from emerald green to cobalt blue.

2. The caves of the Heel of Italy.

The second itinerary will take you to Santa Maria di Leuca, the exciting promontory that marks the meeting point of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. From here, you can embark on a boat excursion to discover an intricate labyrinth of caves and grottos stretching along the coast. Starting with the Grotta del Pozzo, perhaps the most spectacular in Salento and reachable with a little good will directly from the cliff. Also not to be missed is the Grotta del Diavolo (Devil’s Cave), so called because of the dull noise produced by the waves crashing inside; the Grotta del Fiume (River Cave), with its freshwater springs; the Grotta dei Giganti (Giants’ Cave), where, according to an African legend, giants killed by a Libyan Hercules are buried; the Cave of the Lovers, an enchanting location for romantic moments; the Cave of the Dragon, so called because of the head of a moray eel that remained petrified among the rocks; the Cave of Mesciu Gianni, discovered by a fisherman named precisely Gianni. But also the Cave of the Three Doors, the Cave of the Refuge, the Cave of the Indians, the Varduselle Cave, the Cave of the Breath, the Cave of the Vora or the Cave of the Mannute: whether submerged or hidden, they will immerse you in an enchanted world of colors and lights that will leave you breathless.

3. On the Ionian between history and beauty

Finally, the third itinerary will take you to discover the Caves between Porto Selvaggio and Palude del Capitano, a protected natural area of extraordinary beauty on the Ionian coast. From Tenuta Rocci Cerasoli, you can easily reach the port of Gallipoli, from where you can leave for a boat trip along the wild and unspoiled “West Coast.” You’ll admire caves hidden among the cliffs such as the Grotta del Cavallo (right in the fabulous reserve of Porto Selvaggio), the Grotta di Uluzzo (near the tower of the same name, named after the prehistoric Uluzzian civilization) or the Grotta di Capelvenere (named for the many green ferns that adorn it). But you can also dive into the clear waters of secret coves such as the Bathing Room, where ladies of the 1800s bathed away from prying eyes.

Exploring the caves of Salento is a dream experience that will allow you to get in touch with the authentic beauty of this extraordinary land. With our three itineraries, we offer you the opportunity to discover on foot or by boat the most striking caves of southern Apulia, immersing yourself in a world of underground wonders and breathtaking landscapes. Enjoy the journey by staying at Tenuta Rocci Cerasoli, where comfort and luxury blend with the authenticity of nature to give you moments of absolute relaxation and well-being.

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