Rolling South, Chasing One’s Roots

Salento is a land rich in ancient traditions, vibrant culture and warm hospitality. A corner of Belpaese where you can rediscover your most authentic roots through the charm of popular folklore and the unique welcome of this region. In perfect harmony with all these values, Tenuta Rocci Cerasoli offers you a totally genuine experience to immerse yourself in the slow and affable daily life of Salento. Traditions are a treasure that the Salentines jealously guard, even now that perhaps some of them are under the spotlight of the entire world. From traditional dances to popular festivals, from culinary recipes handed down from generation to generation to ancient customs up to sayings and proverbs, Salento still has a very authentic side that the locals do not always show to tourists and travellers, but which allows you to appreciate the richness and authenticity of this territory and its millenary culture.

A competition for hospitality

The festivals and fairs in Salento are unmissable events if you want to immerse yourself in the culture and tradition of this region. There are some for all tastes and in all seasons, from religious celebrations to pagan rites (or, very often, a combination of the two), each festival is an opportunity for local communities not only to experience moments of joy and sharing, but also to open the doors of the town to visitors, whether they come from far away or from neighboring towns, sparking a sort of hospitality competition between them. Each town, in fact, competes with the other for the title of the most welcoming and it is precisely from this genuine competition that the legendary hospitality of the Salento population is born: as a tourist, in fact, you will be welcomed with warmth and generosity, in some cases even invited to sit at the table as if you were one of the family.

No “prescia”, no pressure

In addition to folklore, Salento offers a wide range of attractions for visitors: from medieval villages to cities of art, from pristine beaches to nature reserves, there are many experiences to live and places to explore in the heart of this enchanting territory. As long as you are not in a hurry to rush. The Salento people do not like to do things “di préscia”, or in a hurry. A dialect expression used a lot in everyday life and easily understood even by foreigners due to its assonance with the English term “pressure”, which means haste, pressure. And slowness, in Salento, often rhymes with sustainability: the so-called “roots tourism”, in fact, aims to preserve not only the traditions and local culture but also to protect the environment and promote a lifestyle in harmony with nature. Tenuta Rocci Cerasoli embraces this philosophy, offering eco-sustainable tourist packages that allow visitors to live an original experience while respecting the environment.

Tenuta Rocci Cerasoli and roots tourism

Roots tourism in Salento is a journey through time and the spirit of a land rich in history and tradition. Rediscovering the cultural roots of this fascinating region means first of all embarking on a journey in search of your own roots, enriching yourself in the depths of your heart and soul. Book your stay at Tenuta Rocci Cerasoli now and get ready to immerse yourself in the authentic culture and hospitality of Salento, living an unforgettable experience that will make you find yourself again.

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